How Many Nursing Bras Do I Need?


I am often asked the question “How many nursing bras do I need?” and so I thought I’d try to write down my thoughts about this question.  There is no right or wrong answer because every situation is different, but here are some things to consider before you make a decision.

The most common response to this question is 3.  One to wear, one in the wash and one in the drawer.  However, this does not take into consideration your financial status, the time of pregnancy or breastfeeding or whether you have a washing machine in the house.  I’ll try to keep this short as I could talk about it all day and your time is precious.

Here are some things to consider –

·         How long do you want the bras to last?

·         Do you have large Breasts?

·         How often do you want to wash them?

·         At what stage of pregnancy or breastfeeding are you?

·         What do you want to wear with them?


For many women the first signs of pregnancy are all about the boobs.  They can become tender and start to grow very early on in pregnancy.  I remember that my cup size increased almost immediately and then they became really tender which meant that I needed new bras and I also needed bras that were comfortable to sleep in so that they didn’t move around too much at night which was really uncomfortable.  It’s because of the increases in breast tissue and thus cup size throughout pregnancy that wires are not recommended.  If you are willing to check the fit and purchase new bras frequently then you can wear them with confidence, this can be a very expensive route, but completely do-able if you can’t live without your wire.  A more flexible wire would be a better option (available from many maternity lingerie manufacturers).  Of course you may not change in size very much or very early so take each day as it comes.

Milk volume increases are usually the largest 3-5 days after birth and your volume should settle at about 2-6 weeks.  Your breasts will still fluctuate a little or a lot between feeds and when you sleep for a while.  Some women don’t ever leak milk, and others leak a lot.  I stopped leaking at about a year.  Transitional bras will be the most comfortable bras during the first few weeks, but sized bras will give more support for a larger cup size and can be a lot more feminine and pretty.

Money Saving Tips – 

To save money during pregnancy avoid buying maternity bras that are sized and are not nursing bras.  A maternity bra is only useful during pregnancy.  A nursing bra can be worn during pregnancy and can then be used for easy access when breastfeeding, so you’ll get a lot more use out of it.  If you have a larger cup and enjoy the support from a sized bra then think logically to get the most value for money from them.  The earlier you buy your bras in pregnancy the longer you will get to use them.  If buying in the first few months then make sure you choose a bra with lots of hooks and eyes on the band and buy the bra that fits well on the tightest setting.  This will allow you to loosen the band as the baby pushes up into the ribcage, and if you are able to buy a bra with room in the top of the cup without losing too much support or it being too baggy then you’ll have room to grow in the cup department too.  (You may find that during the first few weeks after birth the bra will be a little tight in the cup, but you may still be able to get to wear the bra again once your milk volume settles and if not then, when you introduce solids).

A transitional bra is one that can accommodate small changes in cup size and can last throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.  I can in fact reveal that I am currently (at this exact moment) wearing one such bra that I have owned for over 4 years through two pregnancies and extended breastfeeding.  Buying a good transitional bra can be worth its weight in gold!


As you can read above, my nursing bras have gone through the ringers.  They have been washed, dried, been soaked in milk, covered in all kinds of other bodily fluids, probably a bit of mud and play dough thrown in for good measure.  I started wearing nursing bras when I was pregnant with my first.  I ignored the advice to only buy a nursing bra at the end of my pregnancy because I knew that I would be breastfeeding, and any soft cup bras I purchased during my pregnancy would be useless after birth if they couldn’t be used for nursing.  They would also be useless after I finished nursing (didn’t happen!) because the cup would probably have been a little big.  I love, love, love to save money and this seemed like a no-brainer to me.  I purchased a few transitional nursing bras and wore them throughout my pregnancy.  They lasted about 6 months, and I was horrified, they fell apart before my eyes.  I was told that they were designed to last only 6 months.  Thing was that I owned only a few bras and washed them more regularly than my usual bras.  In fact I was washing them 3 times as often which would mean that they would wear out three times faster.

Money Saving Tips –

I think you really do get what you pay for when you are buying nursing bras.  If your goal is to nurse until natural weaning age and possibly go into another pregnancy and dabble in a bit of tandem nursing then you want something that is going to last a long time and withstand a lot of wear and tear.  Think of it as more of an investment, and don’t forget that you can add to your collection at any time.  Spend money on some good transitional bras that will accommodate those changes in size and then add a few good quality sized bras for special occasions and for wearing low cut tops and dresses.  If, on the other hand you have a small budget and you want to breastfeed but you’re unsure of how long you want to breastfeed for or you’re concerned that it won’t work because some of your friends weren’t able to continue breastfeeding, then you can spend a relatively small amount of money and not feel that it has been wasted.  Of course if you do have any difficulties breastfeeding go along to your local support group for help and support.  Sometimes the prices can seem a little high, especially if your goal for breastfeeding is a short one.  A value nursing bra can give you the comfort and easy access that you need without breaking the bank.  If you decide to continue breastfeeding for longer, you can buy more then.

Size Matters

You probably already know this, but support is really important, and is even more important for those larger busted ladies.  As with durability, you really do get what you pay for when it comes to breast support.  You can find transitional bras that can provide some support up to an H cup, and you might feel OK at home lounging or in bed, but you’ll probably want to go for a sized bra for leaving the house in once your milk volume settles down.

Clothing – 

Give this some thought.  You want to buy nursing bras that will wear well with your wardrobe, otherwise you’ll never wear them.  If it’s a special occasion take the dress with you when you buy your bras.  I always tell my in-home fitting clients to try on a T-shirt or their special outfit with the bras to make sure they are happy with the overall look.  If you wear white tops all the time don’t buy lots of black nursing bras and vice versa.  If you need skinny straps then find a nursing bra with skinny straps too.  There are many different styles in many different colours, so hold out for the bra you really need.

Money Saving Tips –

Consider buying some nursing vests.  They can provide some support without the need to wear a nursing bra as well and they can be worn on their own, in bed or under a cardigan or loose top to cover the tummy when feeding.  They can take the place of a nursing bra and act as another bra in your wardrobe.  Some vests provide more support than others, and they come in various shapes and colours for all occasions.  If you choose a longer length nursing vest during pregnancy it will cover your bump and then after delivery will look great with leggings and jeans.

So, maybe you are more confused than ever, but remember that you can add to your collection at any time.

1.       What is your budget?

2.       Look at your size and realistically think about the best type/style of bra for your size.

3.       What stage of pregnancy or breastfeeding are you in, what bra would best suit this time in your life and last the longest with your changing needs.

4.       How often do you want to wash your bras and how long will they last.  Remember that the more you have the less you will need to wash them and the longer they will last.

5.       Make sure that you get the style and colour that will work well with your wardrobe so that you don’t end up hiding them in the back of the drawer never to be worn again.

6.       You can always ask me for help with breastfeeding and with bra suggestions.  If I can’t help I can surely find someone who can.


If you would like to see some examples of transitional nursing bras, nursing vests or nursing bras for larger sizes check out these links from BoobieMilk

So as you can see, three may be the right number for you, but it might be the wrong number for someone else.